Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Day 8: Finished HTML Course!

I completed the HTML course today, however, I want to go over the last class in the course (Forms) again tomorrow.  I considered purchasing some HTML and CSS books today, but I decided to focus on Treehouse courses for now, since I'm extremely satisfied with how much I've learned so far.  The material is very well organized, and quite enjoyable to learn.  My brother is also studying on Treehouse, but his main focus is on real estate, so he is only putting in an hour or two of coding a day.  The really great thing is that whenever he has gotten stuck on a problem, I've been able to solve it within a couple of seconds!  It's great because it means I'm retaining the information!  Since he is taking the same courses I am, he is basically just giving me a quick refresher every time he asks for help with an issue!  It's great. 

I downloaded image editing software called Picasa.  I thought it may come in handy when I start working with CSS and images, and I played around with it a bit (but I don't count that as "coding time," I only count actual coding as coding time).

As a side note, I spend time every day updating this blog, but I don't count that in my "coding time."  I only count actual time I spend studying/coding in the daily tally (for example, watching Treehouse videos and following along on Sublime 2 or Codepen, or taking quizzes and tests, are all included in the tally), and I make sure not to count other ancillary activities which aren't actual studying or coding in the tally, because otherwise I could just surf the web and say I was "coding/studying," and that would be detrimental to my goal of becoming a developer. 

I passed the 1000 point milestone on Treehouse today.  :)

I love waking up early in the morning every day...just to code.  I'm very happy with my health, my productivity, my relationships...with everything, really. 

Life is good.  :)

Total Treehouse Points: 1,002
Treehouse Points by Subject Matter: HTML 663, CSS 309, and Miscellaneous
Treehouse Ranking (%): "You have more total points than 59% of all students."

Badge(s) Earned Today:
Tables (HTML)
Forms (HTML)

Courses Completed:
How to Make a Website

Hours Spent Coding Today: 5
Total Hours Coding: 43

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