Today I learned the difference between the strong and em tags and the b and i tags, and why it is important to use the strong and em tags. This is because HTML should leave styling to CSS, and strong and em convey that the text should be strong or emphasized, which usually translates to bold or italics, but leaves it up to the CSS to decide how to convey strong or em, instead of the explicit b and i.
As an aside, very old browsers do not recognize the strong and em tags.
Also, when we use the q HTML tag, the content it encloses tells the browser there is an actual quote from some outside source, as opposed to a "quote, unquote" expression. For a "quote, unquote" expression, we can simply type in quotes without using the q tag.
I also learned the difference between block elements and inline elements (block elements stand on their own, while inline elements go with the flow of the text (appear "in-line").
I learned that br and img are called void elements because they have no content enclosed between the opening and closing tags, by design. So, to avoid having to type an opening and closing br tag and an opening and closing img tag, the folks who designed HTML decided to only use a shorthand opening tag for void elements. This is a more efficient way to handle these elements. Also, unless you're writing pages that need to be compliant with XHTML, you should use br, not br/.
I learned that if I need to use an ampersand; in my webpages, I should enter it as &, not as an ampersand by itself; (because ampersand by itself is the first part of abbreviations for many symbols).
The first time I typed this blog post in, it was a complete mess, due to my use of ampersands and angle brackets, because the browser was reading the symbols as HTML, when I just wanted them to be typed in as text, like this: <p></p>. It's probably best to just avoid using tags as text, to avoid issues with browsers. I also learned that angle brackets are also called inequality signs.
The HTML entities can be found at I had to use an anchor element to insert the hyperlink in the sentence preceding this one! I learned that Dreamweaver and Coda allow you to make changes to your website's code, save the changes, and then these changes are automatically transferred to your website without having to manually upload files from your computer to the FTP application. That's handy. I've never used either program, though (I've been loading my code into the FTP (Cyberduck) manually). It's time to go to bed so I can wake up tomorrow and get to page 254 of the book and be done with the HTML section, so I can move on to CSS.
Treehouse Points: 1,008
Points by Subject Matter: HTML
663, CSS 315, and Miscellaneous
Ranking (%): "You have
more total points than 59% of all students."
Earned Today:
(read 118 pages of the HTML and CSS book)
to Make a Website
Read or in Progress:
First HTML and CSS," by E. Robson & E. Freeman (in progress,
I've read the 37 pg. preface and the first 156 pgs. of actual
Spent Coding Today: 10
Hours Coding: 58
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