Friday, July 11, 2014

Day 4: My Future Portfolio Website Went Live Today!

I learned today that an id is called with a “#” and a class is called with a “.”

I purchased a domain name for my portfolio site, today from “Namecheap.” I also purchased hosting space from “Web Hosting for Students.” I then used Cyberduck for my SFTP. After my website went live, I noticed that my Facebook link was linking to Nick Pettit's Facebook (the Treehouse instructor) and that the Twitter link was only live on one of the pages. So, I fixed the code back in my workspace, downloaded the file to my computer, deleted the files I had uploaded previously on the SFTP, and uploaded the new files. I checked all the links on the site, and everything was well. I think this happened because I had accidentally deleted the index file yesterday, and when I downloaded the new index file, it defaulted to the original file, with Nick Pettit's information on it. However it happened, issue corrected!

I had actually attempted to make the necessary modifications by accessing the files on the SFTP, but I wasn't able to do that. This entire process took several hours, and there were many errors popping up (sometimes it was just on the host's side, because those errors would randomly go away after a couple of minutes of waiting).

I completed my first Treehouse course today!  It's called "How to Make a Website," and it was composed of all the classes I have been taking throughout the week!  This course is the first of ten courses that comprise the Web-Design track.  A track is a broader program of study, while a course is smaller, and a class is even smaller (and then each class has several videos and tests). 


Total Treehouse Points: 648
Treehouse Points by Subject Matter: HTML 315, CSS 303, and Miscellaneous
Treehouse Ranking (%): "You have more total points than 49% of all students."

Badges Earned Today:
Sharing a Website
Debugging HTML and CSS Problems

Courses Completed:
How to Make a Website

Hours Spent Coding Today: 6
Total Hours Coding: 28


  1. Congratulations Sir! You made it! :D so proud of you!
