Monday, February 29, 2016

Day 197: FCC, Completed the "Wikipedia Viewer" Project!

All right, so today is day 7 of my 7 day, 12 hours a day challenge.  I went 6 out of 7 so far, with one day only studying 10.5 hours, but I made up for that with several other days over 12, including one at 14.5.  So all in all, it was a great week.

Now, I would really like to top off this week with the completion of the wikipedia viewer project from FCC.  I was stuck on that project for quite a while before taking a break on it to delve into other areas of the front end on Team Treehouse, and it would be a nice cherry on top to finish off the week.  One of the courses I took at Team Treehouse this week was on Ajax, and it covered jsonp and how we use it to get around the errors I kept running into while working on my wikipedia viewer project.

So, I'm going to use what I learned over there and give this project another go today!

All right, so first, this screenshot:

That's a good start.  

Okay, that took me several hours, but I SOLVED IT!  


Here's a screenshot, with bare bones CSS:

So awesome, my hard work this week paid off!  Yes!  

The main issue that was causing me difficulties was wrapping the request in JSONP, which can also be done by appending callback=? to the end of the request.

Also, I used an app called postman, which was a great help for this challenge, I highly recommend you install it, if you, my one reader (most likely zero) reader, is reading this, haha!

Over the past week, I've become much more comfortable with documentation, I've learned how to navigate it better, and how to quickly find what I'm looking's great!

All right, so now I want to make the wikipedia project look nice, so I'm going to go take a course on flat design...or, I could start working on the next project, the API project...

All right, I went over the API and explored the documentation and the twitch site a bit, but I'm calling it a day.  It's been a long week, and I'm closing it out feeling very accomplished.

Clocking out at 8 hours today, for a total of about 83 hours.  

I'm going to treat myself to a movie, at home, in the comfort of my room, I don't feel liike going out right now, I feel like resting and kicking butt again tomorrow morning once I'm refreshed!

Tomorrow I'll come up with a study plan for the rest of the days before school.  I'm thinking if I put in 8 hours a day, minimum, that leaves me a lot of time to go out for walks and for a swim in the forest, which I love doing, while still allowing me to make solid gains, and I can always study more than the minimum any day I'm so inclined.  

8 hours a day, 7 days a week, would put me at 56 hours a week, but that's a minimum, so I'll end up doing more most weeks, with the exceptions of the one week a month when I spend two or three days down in South Texas visiting my mom and dad, but that's okay, priorities are priorities.  

Also, I may be able to actually get more done in less time, as with only an 8 hour requirement, my mind will always be fresh when I code.

We'll test this strategy out for a week and then reassess depending on the results.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow and a good walk in the forest and a swim at Barton Springs!


Books:                                                                                               Status
"Head First HTML and CSS," by E. Robson & E. Freeman                      Complete
"A Smarter Way to Learn JavaScript," by Mark Myers                          Complete
"HTML and CSS," by Jon Duckett                                                        Complete
"JavaScript and JQuery," by Jon Duckett                                            Complete
Team Treehouse (Front End Web DevTrack Complete):                     Status
How to Make a Website                                                                     Complete
HTML                                                                                                Complete
HTML Forms                                                                                      Complete
HTML Tables                                                                                     Complete
HTML Video and Audio                                                                       Complete
CSS Foundations                                                                                Complete
CSS Basics                                                                                         Complete
CSS Layout Techniques                                                                      Complete
CSS Layout Basics                                                                              Complete
CSS Selectors                                                                                     Complete
Responsive Layouts                                                                            Complete
CSS Flexbox Layout                                                                            Complete
Git Basics                                                                                          Complete
Console Foundations                                                                          Complete
Introduction to Programming                                                              Complete
JavaScript Basics                                                                               Complete
JavaScript Loops, Arrays, & Objects                                                   Complete
AJAX Basics                                                                                       Complete
JQuery Basics                                                                                    Complete
Interactive Web pages with JavaScript                                               Complete
Object-Oriented JavaScript                                                                Complete 
Accessibility                                                                                      Complete
Website Optimization                                                                        Complete
Front End Performance Optimization                                                  Complete
Aesthetic Foundations                                                                        Complete                 
Design Foundations                                                                            Complete  
Adobe Photoshop Foundations                                                            Complete
Adobe Illustrator Foundations                                                      66% Complete

Other Courses:                                                                                     Status
HTML and CSS (Codecademy)                                                               Complete
Introduction to Web Dev (The Odin Project)                                         Complete
Web Dev 101 (The Odin Project)                                                    33% Complete

Free Code Camp (FCC)                                                                           Status
1. Get Started with Free Code Camp                                                     Complete
2. HTML5 and CSS                                                                                 Complete
3. Responsive Design with Bootstrap                                                      Complete
4. Gear up for Success                                                                          Complete
5. jQuery                                                                                             Complete

6. Basic Front End Development Projects                                              Complete
7. Basic JavaScript                                                                                Complete
8. Object Oriented and Functional Programming                                    Complete
9. Basic Algorithm Scripting                                                                   Complete

10. JSON API's and Ajax                                                                         Complete
11. Intermediate Front End Development Projects                                  Complete
12. Intermediate Algorithm Scripting                                                     Complete
13. Advanced Front End Development Projects                                       On 4 of 6
14. Claim Your Front End Development Certificate
15. Automated Testing and Debugging
Node.js and Express.js
17. Git
18. MongoDB
19. API Projects
20. Dynamic Web Application Projects
21. Claim Your Back End Development Certificate

The Coding Boot Camp at UT Austin                                               Status (starts 4/19/2016)
Week 1-6: Mastering the Browser (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery) 
Week 7-10: API & JSON (RESTful API"s, parsing JSON, AJAX)
Week 11-14: Server Side (Node.js, MySQL, MongoDB)
Week 15-18: PHP (WordPress, CodeIgniter, Laravel) 
Week 18-21: Full Stack Coding
Week 22-24: Final Project

Team Treehouse:
Free Code Camp:

Hours Spent Coding Today: 8
Total Hours Coding: 1,022

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