Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Day 48: Continuing with Terms and Installations

Today I continued learning web dev terms.  I read about cookies, which track what you do online, and Ruby on Rails, which is a framework for Ruby which simplifies many tasks that can be accomplished by Ruby.  I learned about AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and XML).  I learned that JSON is replacing the XML part of AJAX.

I learned about front end web development.  CSS is the design part of the page, HTML is the structure of the page and Javascript is the interactive part of the page.  All of the front end happens in the browser.  The back end is everything that happens before the information gets to your browser.

A typical setup for a backend is a web server, an application, and a database.  The web server (running Apache, Nginx, or IIS), delivers a note to the application that you need some information, such as flight times, and the database (such as MySQL, MongoDB, or PostgreSQL) gathers the information, which the application then puts together and sends back to your computer via the web server.  The back end of the web page could be put together with Python, Ruby on Rails, or PHP.

I learned that Java and Javascript are two completely different languages that happened to come out around the same time, and only share a name thanks to marketing (Java was a buzzword at the time).  I learned that SQL stands for Structured Query Language.  I learned an easy SQL query!  See below:

SELECT name FROM users WHERE age > 25;

I learned that there's a NoSQL crowd of developers that don't really like how SQL works, and are making new kinds of databases instead.  Any blog posts we make, or even our bank account balances, for example, go into a database, and we retrieve the data from the database every time we retrieve the information from the internet.

I read a story on Slate about _why, the creator of "why's (poignant) guide to Ruby."  It was really interesting, it summarized _why's participation in the Ruby community and his legacy.  I really enjoyed learning all this background knowledge related to Ruby in particular, and to programming, generally.  I am definitely starting to get a sense of being part of a broader community.  I am starting to see myself, as a programmer.  :)

I learned about LAMP, which refers to the specifications of a web server (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Perl/Python).  This defines the operating system, web server, database, and scripting language, in that order.  One of the advantages of LAMP setups is that the software used is all free and open source.

I learned that the &nbsp I see sometimes in my blog's html code is called non-breaking space, and it's a white-space character that isn't condensed by HTML.  Its primary function is to hold open table cells or add spacing between words (or at the beginning of paragraphs if an indent is desired).

I learned that "script" refers to a portion of the code on an HTML page that makes the page more dynamic and interactive.  Scripts can be written in a variety of languages, including Javascript.

I installed the XCode via the CLI by entering the xcode-select --install command into the CLI!  This was my first installation via the CLI!  :)  My Odin Project said to enter this:

echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

This is in order to get "which git" to return usr/local/bin/git instead of usr/bin/git, which is the default. The problem with usr/bin/git is that it will point to an outdated version of git installed by XCode, as opposed to the newer version I just installed. The code above is supposed to fix this, but it did not. I googled around a bit, and this website:


Had a different bit of code to enter to solve the problem, see below:

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH  

That worked.  So now, when I run the "which git" command, the CLI returns: 


And the version is 2.1.2 (as opposed to 1.9.3 before entering the code above to make the modification).  My RVM version is 1.25.34, my Ruby version is 2.1.3, my Rails version is 4.1.6, and my bundler version is 1.7.4.  So far, the only issue I encountered with my installations is the issue I described above with the file path leading to the older version of GIT that came with the XCode installation, and I was able to resolve that issue with a google search. 

After doing that, in my browser, I went to:


That's the page above.  I went through quite a few commands, and then ended up at:


The above is a screen shot of that address, showing the output after I entered some selections.  I created a Heroku account, and also set that up in my CLI.  I was able to see the app that I deployed in my Heroku account, live, on the web!  Woohoo!  That means I deployed my very first Rails app today!  I also created my Nitrous.io account, and got my first Ruby box running.


Total Treehouse Points: 3,823

Treehouse Points by Subject Matter: HTML 663, CSS 1,599, Design 1,193, Development Tools 336, and Miscellaneous
Treehouse Ranking (%): "You have more total points than 86% of all students."

Badge(s) Earned Today:


Courses Completed:

How to Make a Website
CSS Foundations
CSS Layout Techniques
Aesthetic Foundations
Design Foundations
Photoshop Foundations

Books Read or in Progress:"Head First HTML and CSS," by E. Robson & E. Freeman (In progress, I've read the 37 pg. preface and the first 255 pgs. of actual content, which is the HTML section of the book)

Hours Spent Coding Today: 7

Total Hours Coding: 232

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