Today I continued with the Command Line Interface course on Treehouse. The course is extensive, it is composed of five badges. In regards to Treehouse, in case you are unfamiliar with it, Treehouse teaches via the use of videos, which I follow along with. After each video, there is a quiz which i must pass in order to move on to the next video. After you complete several videos, you earn a badge, which is like completing a class. It takes several badges/courses to complete an area of study, such as the Command Line Interface, and then, above the areas of study, there are things called "Tracks," which are groups of areas of study, organized into a coherent whole, such as "Front End Web Development," or "Android Development," for example. You can either complete the tracks as they are, or, alternatively, you are free to pick and choose subjects from the Treehouse Library as you see fit, in order to custom-make your own plan of study.
The system is very organized, and I'm finding that in conjunction with the path to a Web Dev job laid out by the Odin Project, my learning pace has started to accelerate considerably. Today, I woke up early, as usual, and prepared my office area for my coding studies. However, one thing I did differently today is that I dressed up in business casual (I have a large business casual wardrobe in my closet from my days as a stock broker), even though, my office being in my home, I clearly don't have to do so. I'm trying this out as a way to increase my focus on coding. I'd like to increase the amount of hours I am putting in daily, and I think this may help. The path laid out by The Odin Project has greatly increased my focus, it's nice to see a clear line from Point A, studying web development, to Point B, having enough skills to secure a position as a Junior Dev.
On the CLI, I worked with the mv and cp commands today.
cp -r documents docs
The command above copies the entire documents directory and calls the new copy docs. The rm command will remove/delete a file.
That's a screenshot of what I've been learning this morning so far, CLI basics.
The rm command, when used to delete a directory, such as "documents," the directory must be preceded by a "-r" (recursive). With the mkdir command, we are making a directory (like documents). However, using mkdir by itself, we are only able to make one level of a directory, so we could not add notes and console like so: documents/notes/console. We would instead enter:
mkdir documents/notes
and then
mkdir documents/notes/console
Another way to do the same is to use the -p command, like so:
mkdir -p documents/notes/console/part1
^^ That works.
cd .. will take us one level up. cd ../.. will take us two levels up. cd ../../.. will take us three levels up and so on. The whoami command will have the CLI display the active user. I learned how to set up a new user with the sudo adduser command, and how, by default, the CLI creates a group with the same name as the user when a user is created. I learned that there are different levels of permissions for different user levels. The different permissions are read, write, and execute (rwx) and the different user levels are user, group, and other (ugo).
The system is very organized, and I'm finding that in conjunction with the path to a Web Dev job laid out by the Odin Project, my learning pace has started to accelerate considerably. Today, I woke up early, as usual, and prepared my office area for my coding studies. However, one thing I did differently today is that I dressed up in business casual (I have a large business casual wardrobe in my closet from my days as a stock broker), even though, my office being in my home, I clearly don't have to do so. I'm trying this out as a way to increase my focus on coding. I'd like to increase the amount of hours I am putting in daily, and I think this may help. The path laid out by The Odin Project has greatly increased my focus, it's nice to see a clear line from Point A, studying web development, to Point B, having enough skills to secure a position as a Junior Dev.
On the CLI, I worked with the mv and cp commands today.
cp -r documents docs
The command above copies the entire documents directory and calls the new copy docs. The rm command will remove/delete a file.
That's a screenshot of what I've been learning this morning so far, CLI basics.
The rm command, when used to delete a directory, such as "documents," the directory must be preceded by a "-r" (recursive). With the mkdir command, we are making a directory (like documents). However, using mkdir by itself, we are only able to make one level of a directory, so we could not add notes and console like so: documents/notes/console. We would instead enter:
mkdir documents/notes
and then
mkdir documents/notes/console
Another way to do the same is to use the -p command, like so:
mkdir -p documents/notes/console/part1
^^ That works.
cd .. will take us one level up. cd ../.. will take us two levels up. cd ../../.. will take us three levels up and so on. The whoami command will have the CLI display the active user. I learned how to set up a new user with the sudo adduser command, and how, by default, the CLI creates a group with the same name as the user when a user is created. I learned that there are different levels of permissions for different user levels. The different permissions are read, write, and execute (rwx) and the different user levels are user, group, and other (ugo).
Total Treehouse Points: 3,557
Treehouse Points by Subject Matter: HTML 663, CSS 1,599, Design 1,193, Development Tools 72, and Miscellaneous
Treehouse Ranking (%): "You have more total points than 85% of all students."
Badge(s) Earned Today:
Moving Around in the Console
Courses Completed:
How to Make a Website
CSS Foundations
CSS Layout Techniques
Aesthetic Foundations
Design Foundations
Photoshop Foundations
Design Foundations
Photoshop Foundations
Books Read or in Progress:"Head First HTML and CSS," by E. Robson & E. Freeman (In progress, I've read the 37 pg. preface and the first 255 pgs. of actual content, which is the HTML section of the book)
Hours Spent Coding Today: 4
Total Hours Coding: 210
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