According to The Odin Project, it takes about 1000 hours to complete the course, in other words, to go from zero developer knowledge to job-ready junior dev. I've already put in a little over 300 hours, and although some of those hours focused on web design (photoshop, adobe illustrator), many of those hours were focused on html and css, so they definitely pushed me forward.
So, if we say that I have, for example, that with 800 hours more of coding, I will be job-ready or able to launch a startup. In that case, if I put in 4.5 hours a day, it will take me 180 days to reach that level of knowledge. So, I will be crediting myself one "day" of work for every 4.5 hours of work I put in, since putting in 4.5 hours of work gets me one day closer to my goal, and 9 hours gets me two days closer, for example. This way, I can have a countdown on my wall where I write down how many days are left until I can consider myself job-ready. Of course, the variables here are huge, it could take me more, or less, than 800 hours to achieve that level of knowledge, but it's good to have a definite goal in mind, to have a structure to adhere to as well as a time frame in which to do so. I'm going to continue doing what I have been doing, which is to use The Odin Project, Treehouse, and various books concurrently, as this has produced results.
Today's project is called "Search Text for Your Name," and the project consists of building a short program that checks a block of text for my name. I finished the project, but I'm going over it again, to solidify the knowledge in my head.
Simultaneously, I'm working on Treehouse's "Introduction to Programming" class because the class after that one on Treehouse is "Javascript Foundations," so I'd like to get started on that class as an addendum to my Odin Project curriculum. The course went over REPL (Read, Evaluate/Execute, Print, Loop).
A command like:
alert("Hello World")
Is a function. It returns a popup that says Hello World, but returns undefined in the console because "Hello World" does not evaluate to anything.
A command like:
prompt("What is your name")
Is also a function, which creates a popup box with an entry field in which the user can enter data. We can combine the two, like so:
"Hi, " + prompt("What is your name?")
If the user enters "Jim" in the blank field, then the console will evaluate to "Hi, Jim." We can also do this:
alert("Hi, " + prompt("What is your name?"))
Which will create a prompt, and then after the user enters data into the entry field, an alert popup will appear with "Hi" followed by the user's name. This will also evaluate to undefined in the console because it evaluates to itself.
Inserting this:
<script src="myscript.js"> </script>
Somewhere in the html (say, in the <head> element), will link to your javascript document (myscript.js), allowing the javascript to affect your html document. When naming a variable, once again, the name should begin with a lower case letter. If we want to use two words to name the variable, we should not use a space in between the two words. Instead, the second word can be differentiated from the first by capitalizing its first letter. This is called camel case (because the capital letter in the middle is like a camel's hump in the middle). We had covered this earlier.
Concatenate means to add. So, example, (5 + 2) concatenates 5 and 2.
To make notes in javascript code, simply begin the line of code with //. You can also enter // in the middle of a line of code, and everything to the right will be treated as notes. Using command + / while highlighting a section of code will comment or uncomment that section. We can also use the previous method of /* at the beginning of the section and */ at the end of the section, as this method allows us to turn many lines into notes at once.
NOTE: While Javascript will allow us to create a variable without using the var command, we should not do this. An example:
name = John
We should not do that. The correct way is:
var name = John
It is important to use comments, since we may forget what certain lines of code were intended to be used for, and also, in case someone is going to work on our project, it is useful to the new person to have an easy way of getting up to speed on what we are doing or attempting to do.
So, if we say that I have, for example, that with 800 hours more of coding, I will be job-ready or able to launch a startup. In that case, if I put in 4.5 hours a day, it will take me 180 days to reach that level of knowledge. So, I will be crediting myself one "day" of work for every 4.5 hours of work I put in, since putting in 4.5 hours of work gets me one day closer to my goal, and 9 hours gets me two days closer, for example. This way, I can have a countdown on my wall where I write down how many days are left until I can consider myself job-ready. Of course, the variables here are huge, it could take me more, or less, than 800 hours to achieve that level of knowledge, but it's good to have a definite goal in mind, to have a structure to adhere to as well as a time frame in which to do so. I'm going to continue doing what I have been doing, which is to use The Odin Project, Treehouse, and various books concurrently, as this has produced results.
Today's project is called "Search Text for Your Name," and the project consists of building a short program that checks a block of text for my name. I finished the project, but I'm going over it again, to solidify the knowledge in my head.
Simultaneously, I'm working on Treehouse's "Introduction to Programming" class because the class after that one on Treehouse is "Javascript Foundations," so I'd like to get started on that class as an addendum to my Odin Project curriculum. The course went over REPL (Read, Evaluate/Execute, Print, Loop).
A command like:
alert("Hello World")
Is a function. It returns a popup that says Hello World, but returns undefined in the console because "Hello World" does not evaluate to anything.
A command like:
prompt("What is your name")
Is also a function, which creates a popup box with an entry field in which the user can enter data. We can combine the two, like so:
"Hi, " + prompt("What is your name?")
If the user enters "Jim" in the blank field, then the console will evaluate to "Hi, Jim." We can also do this:
alert("Hi, " + prompt("What is your name?"))
Which will create a prompt, and then after the user enters data into the entry field, an alert popup will appear with "Hi" followed by the user's name. This will also evaluate to undefined in the console because it evaluates to itself.
Inserting this:
<script src="myscript.js"> </script>
Somewhere in the html (say, in the <head> element), will link to your javascript document (myscript.js), allowing the javascript to affect your html document. When naming a variable, once again, the name should begin with a lower case letter. If we want to use two words to name the variable, we should not use a space in between the two words. Instead, the second word can be differentiated from the first by capitalizing its first letter. This is called camel case (because the capital letter in the middle is like a camel's hump in the middle). We had covered this earlier.
Concatenate means to add. So, example, (5 + 2) concatenates 5 and 2.
To make notes in javascript code, simply begin the line of code with //. You can also enter // in the middle of a line of code, and everything to the right will be treated as notes. Using command + / while highlighting a section of code will comment or uncomment that section. We can also use the previous method of /* at the beginning of the section and */ at the end of the section, as this method allows us to turn many lines into notes at once.
NOTE: While Javascript will allow us to create a variable without using the var command, we should not do this. An example:
name = John
We should not do that. The correct way is:
var name = John
It is important to use comments, since we may forget what certain lines of code were intended to be used for, and also, in case someone is going to work on our project, it is useful to the new person to have an easy way of getting up to speed on what we are doing or attempting to do.
Total Treehouse Points: 4,275
Treehouse Points by Subject Matter (Miscellaneous not included):
HTML: 663
CSS: 1,599
Design: 1,193
Development Tools: 747
Javascript: 40
Treehouse Ranking (%): "You have more total points than 88% of all students."
Treehouse Badge(s) Earned Today:
Basics (Introduction to Programming)
Treehouse Courses Completed:
How to Make a Website
CSS Foundations
CSS Layout Techniques
Treehouse Courses Completed:
How to Make a Website
CSS Foundations
CSS Layout Techniques
Aesthetic Foundations
Design Foundations
Adobe Photoshop Foundations
Adobe Illustrator Foundations (66% complete, but switched focus to web dev, as opposed to web design)
Git Basics
Codecademy (& other) Courses Completed:
HTML and CSS (Codecademy)
Design Foundations
Adobe Photoshop Foundations
Adobe Illustrator Foundations (66% complete, but switched focus to web dev, as opposed to web design)
Git Basics
Codecademy (& other) Courses Completed:
HTML and CSS (Codecademy)
Books Read or in Progress:
Completed: "Head First HTML and CSS," by E. Robson & E. Freeman (37 pg preface and 710 pgs of actual content (as in, I'm not including the book's index))
My Progress on The Odin Project:
1. Introduction to Web Development 100% Complete
2. Web Development 101 29% Complete
3. Ruby Programming 0% Complete
4. Ruby on Rails 0% Complete
5. HTML5 and CSS3 0% Complete
6. Javascript and JQuery 0% Complete
7. Getting Hired as a Web Developer 0% Complete
Hours Spent Coding Today: 4.5
Total Hours Coding: 320.5
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