Monday, November 17, 2014

Day 50: HTML and CSS Review and Github Repositories

Adhering to The Odin Project curriculum, I went to a website called HTML Dog ( and completed the HTML Beginner tutorial.  I then (on the same website) completed the CSS Beginner and the CSS Intermediate tutorials.  During those courses, I mainly just reviewed CSS I already knew, but I also learned about reset.css today, which serves a similar purpose as normalize.css, except it creates something of a blank slate, whereas normalize.css tries to make a set of styles (chosen by the author) consistent across all browsers.

I created my first repository on github today!  It's at!  I'm not quite sure what it actually is yet, haha.  From what I understand, it's a platform that allows collaborative work on projects, via a mechanism called forking, which allows modifications to be made, while preventing the loss of previous data with the creation of new "forks."  This is cool.  After creating the repository, I created my first commit through the github website!  Sweet!

I then downloaded the repository onto my computer via the Command Line Interface, then made some changes to the readme file in the project folder, and attempted to send the changes back up to the github website via my Command Line Interface.  However, I actually got stuck at a certain point on this while I was at the coffee shop, so then I took a break and went to a bookstore and to Whole Foods.  Back home, I put on some Netflix (Peaky Blinders, season two), and got ready for bed, but as I was watching Peaky Blinders, I thought the problem through in the back of my mind, and suddenly, I saw the solution!  So I paused the show, grabbed my macbook, opened the CLI, moved around a couple of directories, cloned the repository again, this time to a different destination folder, made the changes to the readme, and this time, when I entered the commands to update github, it worked!  The updates I made on the file in my computer reflected in my github account.  :)

I learned that when using the git clone command to get a repository onto my macbook, it is not necessary to run git init (otherwise, git init is required).

I advanced my Odin Project work in Web Development 101 from 22% to 25% complete today, and I'm looking forward to making even more progress tomorrow.


Total Treehouse Points: 3,823

Treehouse Points by Subject Matter: HTML 663, CSS 1,599, Design 1,193, Development Tools 336, and Miscellaneous
Treehouse Ranking (%): "You have more total points than 86% of all students."

Treehouse Badge(s) Earned Today:


Treehouse Courses Completed:

How to Make a Website
CSS Foundations
CSS Layout Techniques
Aesthetic Foundations
Design Foundations
Adobe Photoshop Foundations
Adobe Illustrator Foundations (

Codecademy (& other) Courses Completed:
HTML and CSS (Codecademy) 

Books Read or in Progress:

"Head First HTML and CSS," by E. Robson & E. Freeman (In progress, I've read the 37 pg. preface and the first 255 pgs. of actual content, which is the HTML section of the book)

My Progress on The Odin Project:
1.  Introduction to Web Development             100% Complete
2.  Web Development 101                                25% Complete
3.  Ruby Programming                                       0% Complete
4.  Ruby on Rails                                               0% Complete
5.  HTML5 and CSS3                                           0% Complete
6.  Javascript and JQuery                                  0% Complete
7.  Getting Hired as a Web Developer                 0% Complete

Hours Spent Coding Today: 5
Total Hours Coding: 247

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